Animals have limited, possibly no, choices. Biology and circumstances are their destiny.
I, being a human, have choices. They are limited but present. Like all humans, I have deep neural ruts (i.e., habits) that guide most of my thoughts and behaviors. They are not a permanently fixed boundaries; I can change them (slowly). I have the free will to choose to change those habits. It ain't easy (or quick) but possible.
Understanding the neurobiology can help. Knowing that simple repetition is more important than willpower. Knowing that old habits are easily cued, even after long periods of being dormant. Knowing that all brains have strong default systems, mostly around fear, that don't serve higher callings in the modern world. Knowing that there is never conscious access to unconscious processes, thus just trusting that providing "open space" will allow unconscious processes to manifest.
I'm humbled because I don't change even what is within my very limited ability. I "know" the rules but still don't play the game of change well.
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