March 25, 2013

Academic fear

Recently I attended a conference on learning. My primary interest was the talk on molecular signatures of synaptic plasticity. (Keep an eye on Daniel Pak, he does brillant work.) My attention was also grabbed by the last talk on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In a fascinating talk, Randy Bass laid out the current state of online learning. The take home message was: The world of teaching is changing. It is unclear what higher education will look like in the future, but it will be different.

A distinguished academic spoke-up at the end with palpable fear in her voice. She was afraid and resentful that the tools academics are developing for online teaching will later destroy the institutions that created them, similar to when the Internet is used to attack the Defense Department.

I felt compassion for her. Her love of teaching was clear.

But the technology don't care.

The world is going to change. You can get upset but it is still going to change.

Instead, I am choosing to get on the ride.

March 18, 2013

Research is 90% listening

"Singing is 90% listening" is an an old quote. You must pay close attention to the world to a make meaningful contribution. Research is similar. Deeply understanding research is a challenge. It is fun but still a challenge. People have pet theories and personal biases. Those dominant over actual content. What "is" there takes a back seat to what "should be" there.

March 11, 2013

Brain Awareness Week

This week is Brain Awareness Week. We now have the tools widely available to look at brain function, even if you are an amateur scientist (here or here). Given the tools are waiting, the world could use more people trying to solve interesting problems.

March 4, 2013

An observation about predictions

Most predictions reveal more about the predictor than the subject.