December 2, 2011

Slip Slidin' Away in Science

“Life is like skiing.
Just like skiing, the goal is not to get to the bottom of the hill. It’s to have a bunch of good runs before the sun sets.”
Seth Godin

Here is how my work in science is similar to skiing:

Some runs are easy; some runs are hard. A classic day has the proper mixture of both. Every paper won't get published in Science or Psychology Review. Some data sets will end up in the file drawer.

The best equipment isn't necessary but can help bring out the joy. The synthetic clothes and properly-tuned skis of science are access to data and fast computers. Those elements are more available and cheaper everyday.

The solitude of quiet runs and writing are intrinsic elements. If they are embraced, they can be delightful. However, ski buddies and science colleagues are more likely to push me in interesting directions, often towards personal blind spots.

Sometimes the logistics of skiing (e.g., traffic and snowy mountain roads) keeps me from even getting to the mountain. That is a shame. Sometimes logistics get in the way of my science goals (e.g., publish quality data, propose new models, and mentor as many people as possible). I need to be more mindful of minimizing everything that does not help me to achieve my goals.

I wonder how many good science runs can I get in before my sun sets.

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